How does time fly? It feels like I just arrived. I am now entering the sixth week of the Lecture phase of the school. This week is Ministry prep. week, the week where we learn and practice the dramas, dances, and music for our trip. I'm not sure what I will be part of for this trip, but I will give you that update when I know. This week is usually a hard week to go through, there is usually a big spiritual attack on the schools because you are preparing for ministry, so please keep that in prayer.
We meet every Monday for missions team meetings. Last Monday we talked about what will be happening during the trip. It is a lot of walking around, street ministry, youth gatherings, church events, and prayer meetings. We will be staying at one of the YWAM bases in Germany....its a castle.

Last weekend I volunteered at one of the bases to help do grounds work at one of the schools. that night they had a bonfire for us. this is a picture of a few of us who were there.
We are trying to get a bunch of people to volunteer time in town on the weekends. we are not sure exactly what we are going to do yet, but we are trying to hook up with some of the local churches in order to get something going. last week we were talking about revival in America, not just a small revival but the country as a whole. We figure that God has called us to do more than nothing on the weekends. Faith without works is dead, and works without love is worthless so we are really trying to go into this with the most Christ like view on things. God didn't call the government to take care of the poor, hungry, or those living in sin; he called the church to do it.

Two weeks ago we had classes on the Holy Spirit and gifts of the Holy Spirit. It was quite a different week and a new experience for me. Thursday of that week she prophesied over the class individually. I will try to get that up so you can hear it as soon as possible.