It brought me to a whole new level of trust in God. When you are fully dependent on God for food, safety, shelter, divine appointments and situation; he is able to use it better than you thought he could. I am currently a college student, so a similar struggle is something that I have dealt with for the last year and nine months, so this brought me to a nice deeper level of that trust. Even with what little I do have I feel way more blessed after not having the comforts that I once took for granted.
I traveled with YWAM to Raynosa, Mexico in my sophomore year of high school. I got to do ministry in the trash dumps where people had formed communities there. To see people living in that kind of situation had an impact on you, and gives you a real appreciation for what you do have. Now, getting to experience first hand living in that kind of situation, gave me a deeper appreciation for what I do have and what God has done.
The group I went with to Mexico

One of the areas we went to in Mexico

I was able to get talk to people on a level that I might not have otherwise. Would people have opened up if they knew my real situation, or can we relate better this way?
I gained a real understanding of what we need to be in people lives. We pass by too often only seeing the persons problems and not seeing them for who and what they are.
Who should you help? Who shouldn't you? Just because they might have a problem with addiction doesn't mean that I can't speak life to them and try to help influence their lives for the better, and you never know, somebody who is asking for help might really need it.
I will write up more about this as it comes to mind.
I'm sorry that I have not finished up sooner. Thank you for your interest and I would love to hear more from you all.
Thank you, God Bless