This week we began the regular schedule day and classes. our schedule is pretty easy to go by:
7 - breakfast
8 to 9 - intercession (Mondays and Wednesdays) and Base Prayer (Fridays)
9 to 10 - Quiet Time (personal Bible study time)
10 - Class
12:15 - Lunch
1:15 - Work Duty time (I got Grounds Maintenance)
3:30 - Class
5:15 - Dinner
8 - Small group meetings (Tuesdays)
9 - Dorm Devotional (Wednesdays)
The speaker this week is Elaine Allegretto, who is speaking on relationships and the Biblical basis and root of them. Monday she talked about human need for relationships and biblical basis for having them with others. It was nice to see from a Biblical point why we befriend others and how we should treat EVERYONE. Its interesting thinking about how the lack of relationships can cause problems and how relationships can influence people in different ways for good or bad. Tuesday we talked about the covenant of marriage, how it was originally a binding agreement between two partys, and how it has changed and is misused in modern society. Today (Wednesday) we talked about unhealthy sexuality in relationships and the different ways that plays out in a persons life. This afternoon we talked about lust and the problems with it, and the difference between attraction and lust.
We have been talking a lot about love in and out of class. Loving like Christ is willing the highest good for others even when you get nothing in return. This applys to everyone for people around you and for Christ.
Its amazing going through such basic things and then taking it in like its new information, because God shows you where it applys to your life.
I am having a wonderful time here. The People are great, always very friendly and loving towards you. most people around here have had the same problems so they know what it is like and sympathize with it.
Please keep my in your thoughts and Prayers. I am still in need of major financial support for my outreach and for the tuition and outreach funds for the School Of Evangelism.
Thank You
God Bless
-Ben Collins