On a Mission
From J. Benjamin Collins
7697 Mayfield Road
Chesterland, OH 44026
Ever since I went on a
summer mission team experience two years ago with 'Youth With A Mission' (YWAM) in Tyler Texas, I have felt that God has been calling me to return to Tyler to further my training and serve in leading mission outreaches.
I will be returning to YWAM Tyler, TX for Missions training and outreach from Sept 30, 2007 to Aug 19, 2008. I will be attending the Discipleship Training School (DTS) and the School of Evangelism (SOE). Each school has a 3 month classroom training period, followed by an eight week outreach. Each School costs $3345 for training and another $2000 for the outreach costs. This is a major step in my life and I would like to have you involved in what the Lord will do through me.
How to be involved / help
I can't do this alone! I need your help. I am hoping that you will be a part of this mission endeavor through your prayers and financial support. As the Bible says, “How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent?” (Romans 10:14-15a NIV)
Every donation counts, and will be very much appreciated. If you or your church can help, you can make any checks payable to “Ben Collins” and note that it is for “YWAM missions”. Send them to my home address listed above.
Most importantly, I need people who will commit to pray for me and the mission work regularly from now through the time of my return.
Thank you in advance for being part of my support team!
Your brother in Christ
J. Benjamin Collins
YWAM, Tyler
Youth With A Mission (YWAM) Tyler, Texas has been on the cutting edge of missions mobilization for more than 25 years. As an international, interdenominational mission, our emphasis lies in three areas: evangelism, training and mercy ministry.
For Updates and Information
For more information about YWAM and its mission please visit my blog for site links. I will be sharing pictures, thoughts, and messages about what is going on with my training and outreach. The address is:
Though I will still be mailing update letters, this site will have constant updates and pictures of my activities .