We drove down to Dominicks on S Canal St. (2 blocks from PGM) to go to the bathroom. I hadn't told Molly that this was where they were going to leave me. Gave Molly the keys when she came out of the bathroom. Gave Steph a hug goodbye, then embraced Molly. Grabbed my stuff (my trash bag with a towel, bible, journal, pen, marker, and granola bar)
Headed down the street, turned out to be only 2 blocks down. Pacific Garden Mission, one of the largest shelters in the Mid-West, was my first nights destination. It was very intimidating to walk into such a place for the first time and have no idea what you are supposed to do.
I saw a first time counselor when I first arrived there. He talked with me about salvation and went over the rules with me (this should have told me what I was in for). I had to turn over my knife, so I am now unarmed. I kinda wish that I hadn't told him, I could have stashed it in my bag and they wouldn't have known. Now looking back at it, I am glad that I had to give up my knife. It really made me put my trust for my safety in God and not in my weapon.
Met another young guy when I was first walking in, named Jamal Sat next to him during the service. He was very friendly and joyful. I did not see him too much until later in the week.
Before we could sleep, we had to attend a service from 8 to 9. Annoying gospel hour trying too hard to convert everybody. Most of the guys slept through it. When the service was finally done we were able to start heading upstairs for bed.
Showers are required every night before bed. You have to put your clothes on hangers in a "hot box", which heats up the clothes in order to kill off anything that might be living in them. We showered in large rooms together. We were given hospital gowns to wear for bed if we did not have a change of clothes. The bunks were two high and had two on each side. I kept knocking into the metal divider between the beds and ticked off the guy across from me.
I had a very hard time sleeping the first night. It was uncomfortable and hot all night. In a room full of guys with little air conditioning the room remained very hot. The hospital gown was strange and I felt too exposed. I was soo far out of my comfort zone that I could not sleep.
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