After breakfast i left and headed back to downtown. Walked up State St. until I found and Argo Tea. I wanted to get some good java and to sit and write. Spent some time there, but I was a bit out of place.
Went over to Grant park, couldn't find anyone and decided to take a nap. Got up at about 11ish and started walking towards the Hancock building. On the way I decided to stop and call home. I ran in to the Apple store and grabbed an Iphone. I called Molly and my parents just to let them know that I was alright.
Sat at the north part of the Water Works west side entrance. While sitting at the waterworks I collected $6.80, a whoopie pie! This was the first time when I used a need food sign that I received a meal. A guy brought me over a bat with a sandwich, bagel, water and oatmeal cookie. God does provide! Tried to find another homeless person to share the meal with, but couldn't find anybody.
Chicago Water Works

Ate my lunch and started walking up to the north side of Lincoln Park (about a 6 mile walk). A few hours later I arrived at Cornerstone Community Outreach, a shelter in the uptown section of Chicago. They told me, at the door, that I need a referral to get in and could get one at the Department of Human Services down the street.
Went to the DHS and signed in. I had been waiting for over and hour when two ladies walked in from Cornerstone Community Outreach. They talked to the clerk about the skin issues they had from staying at Cornerstone. They said that they had never had any problems before they started staying there. They told me about several other people who had the same thing.
I walked out and over to another part of Lincoln Park. I figured it would be best to not stay there. Tried sleeping for a bit but it did not work, the flies wouldn't leave me alone. I found it interesting to see a few homeless couples lying in the park. I had seen a few couples like this before here and there. I find it interesting the way the guy would always stay awake while she slept. A very protective and loving act.
Got up, found a bench and decided to read some of my bible. A homeless woman came and sat next to me. She saw me reading and asked me what it was, I told her that it was my bible. We talked for a minute about the bible and she asked why i read it, told her that it was what I believed and it was very important to me. She told of another shelter nearby, so I hurried off to it. Got there quickly and found out that you are supposed to sign in at 8 a.m. that morning. I decided to buy 2 day passes and head up to the YWAM Chicago base for some more ideas what to do.
Got to the base and found out that Brad (the base leader) was out of town, and would be for another two weeks. Ruth (Brad's main assistant) had left a little over 3 weeks before. Brad's new assistant was able to talk with me for a little while, but was not able to give me any helpful advice.
I left and headed back to the Loyola red line station. I passes a church on the way and saw the bushes next to it might make for a good place to sleep behind. Would have worked great and it was very comfortable, except for the massive amount of mosquitoes. I couldn't get any sleep so i decided to go back downtown.
Got on the train and headed back downtown. Figured if I was going to sleep in the park I should buy some bug spray. When I got off the train Sawyer was sitting on the corner selling jokes. I wondered why she needed more money. Could not find a Walgreens that was open. I finally decided to sleep on the street on the first bench on the street that I could find.
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